Apart from the fun activities that occur from time to time, the club will endeavour to add value for the members. Where practical, some of these will be captured on the website for reference.
Dinner Meeting, October 1st 2018
Paul Miles and the value of defibrillators and volunteers.
Paul Miles and the value of defibrillators and volunteers.
After a short video clip (above), Paul Miles spoke about his experience on the first hole of the Garfield Golf Course, of his death and subsequent resuscitation due to the stars being aligned. Paul attributed his survival due to the availability of a defibrillator at the golf course, his brother, someone trained in CPR and someone willing to drive the defibrillator. He was particularly grateful to the Drouin branch of the Bendigo Community Bank for funding the defibrillator. Paul went on expanding on the role of volunteers and complementing their commitment.