ABN 43 643 463 327
ABN 43 643 463 327
Lions Club of Park Orchards Inc. Rules
Special Resolutions tabled at the 2020 club AGM accepted major rewrite to Policy & Standing Orders along with adoption of a new set of Rules based on the Consumer Affairs Victoria Model Rules template. While changes to Standing Orders are effective from the AGM date 9th November 2020, the new rules became effective when approved by CAV on 23rd February 2021. A copy of the new rules as attached below.
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As at 9th November 2020
Unless otherwise provided, Policy Minutes/ Standing Orders may only be modified, adopted, abandoned or so much thereof suspended so as to enable a particular matter to be debated and voted upon at a scheduled regular dinner meeting, if at least a 75% majority of members present so vote and decide.
Prospective members of this Club may attend up to three Dinner Meetings within a reasonable period of time and may be inducted at the third meeting. The Club will pay for these 3 meals, but if the prospective member wishes to pay for any or all of them, the Club will accept same as a donation.
Adopted 31st January 1978. Modified 5th April 2004. Modified 9th November 2020
Members unable to attend any Dinner Meeting (and members wishing to bring a guest) MUST NOTIFY the Lion Tamer not later than the time published by the Lion Tamer or a MEAL FEE WILL BE PAYABLE by the member (as the Club will be charged for missed meals).
Adopted 6th June 1988. Modified 5th April 2004. Modified 9th November 2020
Ordinary members can attend Board Meetings on their own initiative or upon request of a Board Member. (Note: Ordinary members are not entitled to vote at Board Meetings).
Adopted 11th May 1978. Modified 9th November 2020
If moneys due to the Club are not received within two months of an activity, the Project Leader in charge is to include in his next report to the next Dinner Meeting, the amount outstanding and details of the surrounding circumstances. If any amount is still outstanding after the next following meeting, the Project Leader is to advise the board whether such outstanding amounts are to be written off, regarded as doubtful debts or remain collectable. (See 13 below).
Adopted 6th June 1988. Modified 5th April 2004. Modified 9th November 2020
The Secretary shall put (or arrange to have put) both Board and Dinner Meeting minutes on the club website. All members who have advised an email address will be advised that the minutes have been placed on the website. When the secretary has made the minutes of the previous meeting available in a reasonable time period before the formal commencement of the meeting, the minutes shall be taken as read.
Adopted 11th August 1980. Modified 5th April 2004. Modified 9th November 2020
Any proposal for expenditure of funds must be referred to the Treasurer or acting Treasurer to ascertain whether sufficient funds are actually in hand or planned budget to cover the proposed expenditure; then to the Board for discussion and recommendation to the Dinner Meeting.
Where proposed expenditure is equal to or less than $2,500, the proposed expenditure so recommended by the Board to a Dinner Meeting shall be voted upon and shall only be carried if approved by more than 75% of members present and voting.
Where proposed expenditure is greater than $2,500, the proposed expenditure so recommended by the Board to a Dinner Meeting shall be voted upon and shall only be carried if approved by more than two thirds of members voting whether present or not.
In anticipation of garnishing sufficient support for a proposal, the Project Manager may invite proxy votes from members anticipated not to be in attendance at the Dinner Meeting. All proxy votes must be directed to the secretary or his delegate.
Where a two thirds majority vote of all members voting has not been achieved from the members present and voting and the proxy votes submitted to the secretary, members not in attendance and who have not voted will be encouraged to vote after the meeting by email to the secretary, until a two thirds majority is reached. If a two thirds majority is not reached by the commencement of the Dinner Meeting immediately following the Dinner Meeting where the proposal was tabled, the motion will be considered defeated. The result of the vote will be recorded and published to members by the secretary or delegate.
Any proposal for expenditure which has not been discussed by the Board shall only be considered if
(i) recommended by the President and explained by the President or any specified delegate, and,
(ii) the Treasurer or acting Treasurer has ascertained that there are sufficient funds actually in hand or planned budget to cover the proposed expenditure.
The proposal shall then be voted upon and shall only be carried in accordance with the above rules.
Notwithstanding the above, the Board may consider and approve expenditure of funds up to and including $500 without reference to a Dinner Meeting provided the Treasurer or acting Treasurer has first confirmed the availability of such funds or planned budget and such approved expenditure is reported to the next Dinner Meeting.
Adopted 6th October 1980. Modified 5th April 2004. Modified 4th March 2019. Modified 9th November 2020
Any change in starting time of Dinner Meetings to be carried by 75% majority of members present and voting.
Adopted 15th December 1980. Modified 9th November 2020
Prior to any vote on any project (either at Board or Dinner Meetings) the proposer shall have completed preliminary planning indicating resource requirements, risks, dependencies, timeline and benefits of the project. The members shall each indicate whether or not they are prepared to support and participate in the project; the Minutes shall record such details. The question shall then be put and shall only be carried if approved by 75% majority of members present and voting.
All Welfare projects must have a defined end date. At the conclusion of a project end date, the club commitment to that project is considered complete. Any requirement for further commitment from the club will be treated as a new project and will need to satisfy the club’s new project criteria.
Adopted 19th October 1981. Modified 2nd December 2019. Modified 9th November 2020
This Club will support or seriously consider all District and Multiple District Projects.
Adopted 6th December 1982.
The incoming President and Secretary in consultation with the Incoming Board shall prepare, as soon as practicable after election, a calendar of events for incorporation into the Club’s Website for the coming Lions Year, covering, Board District and Zone Meetings as well as social events and not more than 18 major (involving more than 6 Members on a Saturday or Sunday) project weekends for fund raising or service.
Adopted 6th July 1984. Modified 9th November 2020
Any matter decided by the board will be recorded in the minutes of the board meeting. At the following dinner meeting, by a majority vote of members present and voting, such matter may be re-opened for debate.
Adopted 6th July 1984. Modified 9th November 2020
Administration and Activities Accounts
Excess funds of the Club may be invested on term deposit or in a cash management account (including an Internet accessible account linked to the Club’s ordinary Administration or Activities cheque accounts) at not more than 35 days call with an Australian Commonwealth licensed bank (under the Banking Act 1959 as Amended) the “Act” incorporated in Australia and being:
i) An Authorised Deposit Taking Institution under the Act, limited to any of, the ANZ Bank, Commonwealth Bank, National Australia Bank, Westpac Bank and/or Bendigo Bank.
ii) The holder of an Australian Financial Services Licence
iii) A member of the Banking and Financial Services Ombudsman scheme
iv) An adoptee of the Code of Banking Practice as published by the Australian Bankers Association, and
v) An adoptee of the Electronic Funds Code of Practice where the account is Internet, Point of Sale, ATM or accessible by any other electronic means”.
Adopted 5th April 2004, Modified 16 August 2004, 6th June 2005 & 3rd October 2011. Modified 9th November 2020y
All accounts of the Club shall be audited by an independent accountant each year with the audit to be completed no later than October 31st of that year.
Adopted 5th April 2004. Modified 9th November 2020.
The Incoming Board shall as soon as possible after its election, set fund raising targets for each of the Administration & Activities functions of the Club
Adopted 5th April 2004. Modified 9th November 2020.
The Public Officer of the Club, to be appointed for the purposes of the Incorporated Associations Act, shall be one and the same person as the Secretary.
Adopted 5th April 2004. Modified 9th November 2020.
The names or identities of any non-members (e.g. wives / partners / family members) participating in or assisting at any approved Club project / social shall be taken as recorded in the minutes, for insurance purposes.
Adopted 5th April 2004.
Where the Meeting Chairman declares an item confidential, and defines the documents and persons to be included within such a Declaration, no member so included shall discuss the declared item or disclose documents with anyone else other than those included within the Declaration .
Failure to observe the President's Declaration will be regarded as a serious misdemeanour.
Adopted 4th March 2019.